We were initially appointed to undertake the valuation of Pasta Reale Limited’s plant and equipment and real estate when the company entered administration. Established in the 1970s, the fresh pasta manufacturer was acquired in 2012 by a private equity firm and, following the loss of a large supermarket contract, Pasta Reale entered administration in August 2014. Our existing knowledge of previous valuation work provided important insight into the company’s assets, value and their likely market. We were retained to support the administrator with marketing the complete facility for sale, combining our global reach and specialist sector knowledge. A powerful marketing campaign was devised, boosting visibility of the sale and helping to maximise asset value. During the sale process, we provided additional value for the plant and equipment with our guaranteed outcome offer. This provided security and enabled strategic decision-making and timescales for the sale, allowing a US-based investment fund to purchase the plant and equipment at a premium price. We managed the marketing of the real estate and the complete facility separately, yet simultaneously, using our knowledge of the local market to secure a buyer swiftly. Our initial appointment to provide valuations led our specialist sector knowledge and local, national and international market expertise to assist in optimising the realisations for the plant, equipment and real estate assets, ultimately securing an improved creditor position.

Managed the marketing and disposition of real estate and assets, maximising realisations for all.